American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Chinese Trade and Investment in Nigeria’s Agricultural Sector: a Critical Analysis
Gubak Happy Daniel, Samuel Maiwada

The fundamental role played by agriculture in development has long been recognized. The recent years have witnessed monumental developmental changes in Nigeria-China economic ties, which have grown astronomically. The paper mainly analyses the nature and volume of Chinese trade and investment in Nigeria’s Agricultural sector and its impact on the Nigerian economy. Findings from the paper show that the sector which hitherto dominated the economy especially as a source of revenue soon gave way to crude oil. Chinese trade and investment in Nigeria’s agriculture is very low compared to other sectors and have not focused much in the development of the sector in Nigeria. The paper therefore, recommends the need for more engagement of Chinese in trade and investment in the agricultural sector in Nigeria to enhance growth and development of the economy among others. Qualitative and descriptive methods of analyses were employed, drawing largely from secondary sources.

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