American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Faith within the Academy: A Qualitative Study of Christian University Mission Statement Proficiency
Justin C. Velten

There is a large body of research surrounding an individual’s socialization into an organization. At the same time, scholars have studied university mission statements, the way they are communicated to the campus community, and how students perceive their respective university mission statements. As a case-study, this study surveys the mission statements of a private Christian university and secular university and analyzes the respective student populations’ conceptualization of faith using a model of constant comparison qualitative data analysis. Data revealed a strong similarity between the two schools’ student articulation of faith with a notable private Christian university student conceptualization of faith as a tool to reach personal athletic goals. Within the findinds, there is an apparent lack of case-study university socialization of students into its faith-based mission statement.

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