American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Functions and Consequences of Bilingualism in Orogun Kingdom of Urhobo Land, Delta State, Nigeria
James E. Odivwri

The study examined the role bilingualism plays in Orogun Kingdom, the factors responsible for its development and the effects of bilingualism in the Kingdom. The data for the study were obtained through oral interviews, participant observation and secondary sources. The identified factors of bilingualism in the area of study include historical antecedent/migration, geographical proximity, marriage and the socialization process, colonial governmental arrangement and mythology. The study revealed that the basic functions of bilingualism in Orogun Kingdom are code switching, instrument of social solidarity and integration as well as ethnic sub-identity. The consequences of occurrence of bilingualism in the Kingdom are in areas of biculturalism, code-switching/code mixing, borrowing, language dominance, social discrimination, non-proficiency in both language and identity crisis.

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