American International Journal of Social Science

ISSN 2325-4149(Print), ISSN 2325-4165(Online) DIO: 10.30845/aijss

Indian English in the EFL Context: Claims and Facts
Sami Ali Nasr Al-wossabi

This paper investigates the extent to which EFL Yemeni teacher trainees are exposed to Indian English at the English departments, Hodeidah University. It reviews different distinctive features of Indian English in terms of phonology, syntax, lexis, pragmatic and sociolinguistic aspects. An observation checklist was developed to examine the presence of Indian English features in the speech of Indian language educators in the Yemeni EFL academic context. Further, a five-point likert scale was carried out to elicit 60 teacher trainees' perceptions of how they viewed their Indian teachers' English. Although, the observation checklist revealed clearly the occurrence of some persistent phonological instances of Indian English, Indian educators predominantly incorporated linguistic and pragmatic native-like features of British English. The questionnaire findings revealed that teacher trainees positively perceived and appreciated their teachers' knowledge of the subject area and the way they instructed language in the classroom.

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